Institut Mines-Télécom
Post-Doctoral Positions in Future "Networks & Services" Orchestration and Management - Temporary contract
Job Location
Ile-de-France, France
Job Description
Telecom SudParis is a public graduate school for engineering, which has been recognized on the highest level in the domain of digital technology. The quality of its courses is founded on the scientific excellence of its faculty and on teaching techniques that emphasize project management, innovation and intercultural understanding. Telecom SudParis is part of the Institut Mines-Telecom, the number one group of engineering schools in France, under the supervision of the Minister for Industry. Telecom SudParis with Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris and Telecom Paris are co-founders of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, an institute of Science and Technology with an international vocation.
Its assets include: a personalized course, varied opportunities, the no.3 incubator in France, an ICT research center, an international campus shared with Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and over 60 student societies and clubs.
Our team is looking for post-doc with experience and motivation in the field of service orchestration and management in future networks involving end-to-end services and communications spanning clouds and networks including the edge continuum in a sensing, clouds and networks convergence context.
The funded collaborative projects where the candidates will be involved consist of developing methods and models for service orchestration and management. The latter imply several steps spanning query languages, analysis and parsing systems (including natural language processing of service provisioning requests), service decomposition, service "discovery, matching and selection", composition, orchestration, deployment, configuration, control and management.
Candidates with knowledge in any of these steps, education and experience in networks, networking and networks virtualization are all eligible for the position.
ACTIVITIES : The positions activities and work plans are outlined below:
Background and context of the planned study;
The context is that of future networks involving advances in cloud computing, networking and in their dynamic adaptation and configuration. These concern future distributed computer and communications systems, networks and services including smart network such as those envisaged in 6G.
Location: Ile-de-France, FR
Posted Date: 11/13/2024
Telecom SudParis is a public graduate school for engineering, which has been recognized on the highest level in the domain of digital technology. The quality of its courses is founded on the scientific excellence of its faculty and on teaching techniques that emphasize project management, innovation and intercultural understanding. Telecom SudParis is part of the Institut Mines-Telecom, the number one group of engineering schools in France, under the supervision of the Minister for Industry. Telecom SudParis with Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris and Telecom Paris are co-founders of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, an institute of Science and Technology with an international vocation.
Its assets include: a personalized course, varied opportunities, the no.3 incubator in France, an ICT research center, an international campus shared with Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and over 60 student societies and clubs.
Our team is looking for post-doc with experience and motivation in the field of service orchestration and management in future networks involving end-to-end services and communications spanning clouds and networks including the edge continuum in a sensing, clouds and networks convergence context.
The funded collaborative projects where the candidates will be involved consist of developing methods and models for service orchestration and management. The latter imply several steps spanning query languages, analysis and parsing systems (including natural language processing of service provisioning requests), service decomposition, service "discovery, matching and selection", composition, orchestration, deployment, configuration, control and management.
Candidates with knowledge in any of these steps, education and experience in networks, networking and networks virtualization are all eligible for the position.
ACTIVITIES : The positions activities and work plans are outlined below:
- Design and development of components of a full-fledged holistic automated service orchestration and management architecture for multiple clouds and future networks involved multiple technologies, stakeholders and tenants.
- Knowledge of monitoring tools and data "analysis and processing" for systems, networks and services optimization, control and management are a plus for these positions
Background and context of the planned study;
The context is that of future networks involving advances in cloud computing, networking and in their dynamic adaptation and configuration. These concern future distributed computer and communications systems, networks and services including smart network such as those envisaged in 6G.
- Doctorat ou PhD depuis mois de 3 ans en réseaux et services (cloud et réseaux)
- Bonne expérience en services cloud et en « réseaux et services » du futur (IoT, réseau, cloud)
- Expérience en outils d'orchestration impliquant le déploiement et la configuration des infrastructures et des services (comme OSM, ONAP, OpenBaton, Cloudify et aussi Docker, Kubernetes, et des outils pour le déploiement comme Terraform, Ansible, SaltStack etc.).
- Connaissances en description de services, langage de requêtes, en protocoles, processus et interfaces pour les interactions inter couches, et en modèles et protocoles pour la configuration des services, des réseaux et des systèmes. (Yaml, Json, OWL-*, Open API, ...)
- Expérience souhaitée dans l'apprentissage automatique
- Connaissances des interfaces entre service et réseau seraient fort utiles (Restful, TAPI, RestConf, NetConf, OpenConfig, OF-CONFIG, Yang... pour les échanges, actions et configurations services et réseaux)
- Connaissance en outils et protocoles de monitoring (SNMP, IPFix, SFlow, Autres comme Zabbix, Prometehus...)
- Forte motivation dans la recherche
- Capacité à travailler en équipe
- Esprit d'initiative et bonne autonomie de travail
- Date limite de candidature : 31/01/2025
- Nature du contrat : CDD de 18 mois
- Catégorie et métier du poste (usage interne): II - P, Post-doctorant ou A (fonction publique)
- Localisation du poste: Palaiseau (91)
- Les postes offerts au recrutement sont ouverts à toutes et tous avec, sur demande, des aménagements pour les candidats en situation de handicap
- Emploi ouvert aux titulaires de la fonction publique et/ou aux contractuels
- Conditions de travail : télétravail possible, restaurant et cafétéria sur site, accessibilité en transport en commun (avec participation de l'employeur) ou proche des axes routiers, association du personnel et association sportive sur le campus
- Personnes à contacter : Djamal ZEGHLACHE ; 01 75 31 44 23
Location: Ile-de-France, FR
Posted Date: 11/13/2024
Contact Information
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